Sciences humaines et sociales

PRAGAS - English subtitles

A propos de cette vidéo

Publié le 20/11/2017 - Durée : 00:50:03

In Recife (Brazil), the non-existence of sanitation and the lack of tap water make it easy for rats, scorpions and tiger mosquitos to spread, and they run rampant throughout the whole city. With his colleagues of the Sanitary District VI Environmental Health Program, Rivanildo is doing his utmost to curb their proliferation. Armed with his carrying bag and a sprayer, he fights them restlessly, with a great deal of poisons. 

We follow him during this losing battle,  and get to know areas displaying signs of extreme socio-spatial inequalities.

Le programme

Pragas, documentaire d'Armelle Giglio-Jacquemot

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